Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Attention Mustache Mamas!

So, lately I have been looking into the mirror, you know the kind that we have in our bathrooms that magnify your face a zillion times and show all those wonderful little flaws. Well, lately I have noticed a little bit of fuzz above my upper lip and I really can't complain because my hair is blonde and fine, (I feel sorry for the ones who have the dark, coarse hair), but I've been putting off waxing my lip for a long time because I'm afraid of having to keep it up and worried that I might break out or irritate the skin. So, I was telling a friend about my little issue and she told me about a great little product that would do the trick! No waxing involved. Now, I am always a skeptic at first but I am willing to try anything once. She told me about this cream called "Surgi Cream". You can find it at Sally's for about $4.99. You simply dab it on your lip, putting it on thick, and leave it on for 4 to 8 minutes, then wipe it off with a damp towel. She said she has been using it for a few years now and swears by it. So, I got excited and went straight to the beauty supply store and bought some. Last night, I tried it and I was pleasantly surprised! No more little fuzz! I do have to admit, I had to apply it twice because I think I didn't put it on thick enough. Also, it comes with a soothing cream that also prevents hair growth.
When I woke up this morning, I was concerned that my lip would be red and irritated so I went straight to the mirror and sure enough...smooth as a babys butt! I'm convinced! Now, it's suppose to last for 10 to 14 days which is good enough for me because it is so easy and quick. I recommend this product to anyone who isn't into waxing. I do have to say that there are some women out there that probably do NEED to wax but for those of us who don't HAVE to wax, this is the product for you!
It comes with directions and like I said, you can find it at Sally's Beauty Supply. They have them all over the place and are open to the public. When you go to find it, make sure you get the one that says, "Surgi Cream" hair remover for face because Surgi makes other products as well. Let me know what you think!