Monday, April 20, 2009

The good one's always move away...

First of all let me start out by saying that not only am I a hairstylist but I am also a shrink or so they think...
This story was told to me just over 2 years ago by one of my favorite clients, Kim. It has stuck with me this long and probably always will, so prepare yourself. Kim was a pediatric nurse working in the burn ward at a hospital in Seattle at the time that this took place. Her daughter Sarah (who was also a favorite client of mine), was about 13 at the time and was an aspiring nurse like her mom. Kim use to take Sarah into work with her on the weekends to visit with the children in the burn ward. The kids loved when Sarah visited but especially one 7 year old little boy. There was this one incident where Kim had to call her husband and tell him to bring Sarah in because the boy wouldn't allow the nurses to change his dressings without her there. I asked Kim, "Where were his parents?" and she replied, "Locked up. He's awaiting placement". Then I finally asked the obvious question, "How did he get burned?" and this is the part that will send chills down your spine. Kim said, "His 6 year old little brother locked him into a shed and lit it on fire". My job dropped open when she told me this. I can't even explain how that made me feel. Kim said that the boy's little brother went into pysch and that she didn't know what ever happened to him. Kim hasn't always worked in the burn ward, she has pretty much seen it all so with that said my curious mind asked her, "What is the worst thing that you have ever experienced?" and without any hesitation she said, "Probably, the one involving a 9 year little girl who was skiing at Whistler. She was coming down the mountain and crashed into the racks where you store your ski's and poles and a spike on the rack went straight through her neck. Kim said the girl probably wouldn't have survived if it hadn't been for an emergency surgeon who had just happened to be skiing on the mountain at the same time.
I have to share one more story by Kim that happened when she was living and working in Colorado. An image that she will never forget was of a row of about 10 babies swinging in their swings, all of them blind. She called them the "beaten babies" because every one of them were blind from being beaten or shakin. This was back in 2002, the year that the war started. Kim said she had seen a lot of beaten babies that year, she thinks from the stress of the war and the toll it took on families...or the boyfriends. It is just sick to me to think that this stuff happens.
Kim doesn't do those areas anymore. Can you blame her? She still works with kids but she does things like minor surgeries for tonsils or circumcision redos, etc. She was one of my favorite clients. I say "was" because her and Sarah moved back up to Seattle last year. They will both be missed. I do have to say they both had amazing hair!

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